UTV presenter ready to assist kidney patients

The host of My Health, My Life (MHML) on UTV, Abigail Meley Ashley, has initiated a project dubbed ‘Let’s Support Kidney Patients’ to help raise funds to assist people with kidney problems.

The radio and TV personality, who recently launched her 94-page book titled ‘Behind My Smiles-A Decade Of My Life’, disclosed that she has lined up a number of activities to raise funds and educate the public about kidney disease.

In an interview with BEATWAVES, Abigail Ashley bemoaned the cost of dialysis, saying it kills people faster than the disease itself.

“I am a kidney patient myself and have been diagnosed a chronic kidney patient at the ‘stage 4’ level but by divine intervention, I have survived several years beyond what medical experts in Ghana and abroad had stated that I will be dead in a couple of years,” she told BEATWAVES.

Abigail Ashley has appealed to the government to, as a matter of urgency, support people suffering from kidney failure through the National Health Insurance Scheme (NHIS).

“I am happy to champion this cause and people who have the condition or not and are ready to restrict their diet have a greater chance to live happily, always remember that whatever one eats to a large extent determines your health status,” she advised.

Source: dailyguideafrica.com
