There is a raging debate in the country over why President Akufo-Addo has since his victory in the 2016 elections resorted to tucking a white handkerchief under his left arm long sleeves whenever he is in suit.
Whereas some say those in charge of the President’s wardrobe are behind the use of the white handkerchief to mark the New Patriotic Party’s hard-won victory in last year’s election, others are reading spiritual meanings into it.
Those ascribing spiritual meanings to the use of the white handkerchief by the President are arguing that it could be the cause of mysterious happenings and unexplained deaths in the country since the NPP won the 2016 election.
According to those who hold this view, there can be no reason/s to explain President Akufo-Addo’s use of the white handkerchief other than spiritual “because he started using it as soon as he won the election and it has now become his trademark. Everywhere he goes, a white handkerchief is tucked under his long sleeves…this can only be for spiritual reason.”
“We saw Akufo-Addo when he was crisscrossing the country soliciting for votes; he never used that white handkerchief. He started using it as soon as he won the election and since then look at what has been happening in this country…it cannot be coincidence. There is something behind it,” a furious Akufo Addo critic told The aL-hAJJ.
He added “if you recall, when Akufo-Addo won the election, he visited Rev Owusu Bempah’s church and he was given a horn of an animal…what does that mean? We all heard the things Owusu Bempah said before and after the election. The effect of these spiritual things is the mysterious happenings we are witnessing in the country today.”
President Akufo-Addo had come under intense criticism for his choice of dressing for public engagements. Prime among the criticisms is the often flying white handkerchief tucked under his left arm long sleeves whenever he is dressed in suit.
Though some have said it is the President’s way of celebrating his victory in last year’s election, others say the President is using the handkerchief on the orders of his spiritual ‘fathers’, adding that “the effect of it could be the strange things happening in the country.”
Early this year, founder and Head Pastor of the Glorious Word Power Ministry International presented an animal horn which he called “the horn of the unicorn” together with a Bible to the President when the president joined the congregation at his church at Odorkor.
According to Rev. Owusu Bempah, he was instructed by God to give the horn which signified the strength and power of God to the President as he faces the task ahead of him as President of the country.
“During the elections, we knew we were fighting against principalities and powers, in all of that however, one thing kept me going, I believed that the battle was the Lord’s”, Rev. Owusu Bempah stated.
President Akufo-Addo himself openly admitted he fought against powers and principalities to emerge victorious in the 2016 elections. “In the just ended elections, we knew that we were fighting with powers and Principalities. In spite of this however, there was one thing that kept coming to me and that is the fact that the battle was the Lord’s. Going forward we all need to pray very hard that the change we all want will happen in our country,” he said.
Those reading spiritual meanings into happenings in the country have said Rev Owusu Bempah and President Akufo-Addo’s own accounts could be the reason why the President has been using the white handkerchief “as a symbol to protect himself and in all these spiritual things there is price you must pay and the price we are paying for it are the unexplained deaths and disasters in the country.
Ghana has since January this year recorded strange deaths and mysterious tragedies leading to the deaths and loss of several properties. Some men of God and Seers have been urging believers to pray for the country because the country has come under spiritual attack.
On Sunday, March 19 this year the country was hit with a disaster at Kintampo Waterfalls leading to the death of 20 people mostly students while 21 others sustained injuries after trees crashed on them following a heavy storm.
A Kumasi-based, Prophet Reynolds Oduro Gyebi, who foretold the calamity while leading a prayer session on Abusua FM, attributed to tragedy to spiritual attack. But a report presented to Parliament on the cause of the disaster by Minister of Tourism, Culture and Creative Arts, Catherine Afeku, attributed it to “act of God”.
Prior to this calamity, there were reported cases of suicide, gory accidents and other jaw dropping disasters across the country. But some say Ghanaians must not look far in determining the cause of the happenings, insisting that President Akufo-Addo has an answer to them.
Meanwhile, the man of God who prophesized the Kintampo Waterfall disaster is again warning of devastating disaster leading to the death of many people if President Akufo-Addo does not declare a day for believers to pray for the country.
“God wants us to pray for our nation Ghana. If God uses us to speak to the people they should endeavour to listen to us and respect what we say. Respect the voice of God and when God is speaking to us.  I am appealing to the president to make sure there is a declaration of prayer if he wants to bring honour to the presidency. I wish I had tears I would have cried for Ghana. I am not asking for money. What is going on this time is sad. Even in the Christendom there is corruption everywhere because if you don’t have money  a “Man of God” will not pray for you”, he revealed.
Source: alhajjnewspaper.com
