Sammy Awuku rejects ministerial job - Report

Sammy Awuku, the national youth organiser of the New Patriotic Part (NPP), is said to have stunned President Nana Akufo-Addo by rejecting his offer of a ministerial appointment.

Akufo-Addo, according to the Daily Guide, offered Awuku the position of deputy minister for local government and rural development, but the NPP youth organiser rejected the position.

Awuku reportedly said that he wants to concentrate on his work for the party.

His decision is said to have shocked several leading members of the NPP, who are prevailing upon him to change his mind and take the president's offer.

However, according to the report, Awuku is adamant and has insisted that he wants to focus on his party work.

Awuku was instrumental in Akufo-Addo's stunning victory in the 2016 election.

Under his leadership, the youth wing of the NPP last year was credited with the massive mobilisation of supporters and sympathisers, including students and other young voters.
