No lease agreement was reached with gov’t on 4acres land-JJ

The Communications Directorate of the former President Jerry John Rawlings has refuted claims that a lease agreement was reached with the former Mahama-led government regarding the 4acres of land allocated to him.
There is an ongoing social media debate about the land allocated to the former President for his foundation.
The lands along the Sekou Toure Street, Ridge in Accra were leased to the founder of the National Democratic Congress in 2016 at a yearly irrevocable rent of GHS10 for 99 years, renewable for 50 years after expiration, for purposes of establishing the Rawlings Foundation.
But in a statement signed by Kobina Andoh Amoakwa of the Communications Directorate of JJ, it said ‘Upon receipt of the notification His Excellency replied to the said directive and requested for adjoining lands to the said property also for the purposes of the Foundation, which he intends to dedicate to humanitarian, educational, population control, HIV AIDS, health related projects, the preservation of nature and the promotion and preservation of cultural values.
Unfortunately the response dated May 9, 2016 received no reply till 12th December, 2016 when the Secretary to the President, Ambassador Kwesi Quartey discovered the letter ‘misplaced among’ his papers and wrote to the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources to act upon’.
Our attention has been drawn to information currently in the public domain of communication between The Lands Commission and His Excellency Jerry John Rawlings, former President of the Republic.
As per the content of the said communication a plot was allocated to His Excellency President Rawlings for the purposes of the establishment of the Rawlings Foundation.
Upon receipt of the notification His Excellency replied to the said directive and requested for adjoining lands to the said property also for the purposes of the Foundation, which he intends to dedicate to humanitarian, educational, population control, HIV AIDS, health related projects, the preservation of nature and the promotion and preservation of cultural values.
Unfortunately the response dated May 9, 2016 received no reply till 12th December, 2016 when the Secretary to the President, Ambassador Kwesi Quartey discovered the letter ‘misplaced among’ his papers and wrote to the Minister for Lands and Natural Resources to act upon.
No lease agreement was thus reached with the government.
Kobina Andoh Amoakwa
(Communications Directorate)
