Nana Addo threw Mahama to the dogs - Adu Asare

The controversy generated by former President Mahama’s request to remain in a state bungalow after the expiration of his tenure in office has created bad faith between the outgone and the new presidents, according to former presidential staffer, Kojo Adu Asare.

In an interview with Montie FM in Accra, Mr Adu Asare said Mr Mahama’s request was deliberately leaked to the media to portray him as a villain in the eyes of Ghanaians.

According to the former Adentan MP, the decision to permit Mr Mahama to stay in that bungalow was arrived at after both men had a one-on-one meeting, before it was followed up with an official request.

“For me, that was the handy-work of the president and his appointees. It was deliberately done to incite public outrage against Mr Mahama,” he added.

The former staffer also believes the letter was purposely leaked to divert public attention from President Akufo-Addo’s plagiarism scandal.

“It was a rescue mission they embarked upon and they have succeeded in doing that. They wanted to divert attention of the public from the president’s gaffe at his inaugural speech,” he added.

Meanwhile, the former president has rescinded his request to keep that official state bungalow in question.

In a statement addressed to the new government on Tuesday, Mr Mahama said, he found it important to move out of the building to avoid marring the spirit of cooperation between the two sides of the transition teams.
