The first prerequisites to keeping a Woman is to be capable of keeping your own life first, you need to have a Job or a Business that brings in money for you, note: you must not own a car or millions in your Bank statement, you must not be up, let there be signs that you are not sitting down either, it is perhaps the best possible prove that you are not a lazy Man then a good Woman will help you stand on your feet. Nonetheless you must have a sustainable Business or Job, Women by nature are demanding to keep needless to say if you want to keep a Woman early then you need to start the hustle early.
Don’t get married while you are still in your fathers house, ” you love her” is not a enough to get entangled to a Woman, you need to be ready, keeping a Woman is like running a business which will yield interest in long run and this cost money, hence, you need to have some capital to start. Without having a backup plan to fall on, a Man may suspend plans of getting Married to a Woman till he attains stability in his finances. Here’s is one of my best tales “Adam had everything in the garden of Eden, and God saw that it was beautiful before Eve was given to him”. Therefore the first thing a Man should have is not a Woman but an Eden (Home, Job, Religion, and other stuff) before bringing a Woman into his life.These qualities are magnets that will attract Women to you. This is one of the reasons Women are advised to date Men older than them. No Woman want a Maggot as a Man, ask #lindaikeji. (The rich Nigerian Blogger says she can’t marry a Man with less than 500 million).
If the first button of a shirt is wrongly put all other buttons will be wrong, Ignore this rule and your relationships will not be orderly and well conducted. If all our young Men apply this guideline, Crime rate will impair, Poverty will reduce, Thuggery will dwindle, Almajiris will be a thing of the past, Abortions will be minimal, Prostitutions will diminish, there would be no fear of over population and the world would be a better place to live in. Money isn’t the most important thing in keeping a Woman but love needs money more than money needs love. If you have not passed through this law then the following information might not be useful for you YET.
I believe the best way to get something is to give it, to get a good Woman be a good Man anything you give a woman she multiplies, give her Sperm she will multiply it give her happiness she will multiply it, give her laughter she will double it, give pain, grieve, indifference and scorn and the results will be more pains, grieve, indifference and scorn, they will have an antagonistic effect . A woman’s heart is the softest place on earth
, which can be touched or moved through verbal words & actions, it is not enough to keep a Woman, you must make her happy especially happy almost always and that can only happen if there is GENUINE LOVE not PITY and the connections you share with her. (Check examples of CONNECTION/SACRIFICE on how to keep a Man)
You need to be a gentleman man, be angry but don’t be mad, you tend to lose the nut when you get mad, but likely not to when you are angry. Jealousy, Anger, Pain, Hate are similarities that Men share but we tend to handle these similarities differently, the way we handle them makes our Women behave the way they do. No Woman wants an abusive hot headed fool for a Boo, she wants a Man who can rise above fools, by the same token, be a complete gentleman never use hurtful words on the soft heart of a woman, it will wound her, No Woman is a bad Woman, it depend on the skills of her Manager (the Man) take or leave it.
A Woman is a mirror that reflects her Man, to know a good Man it’s is shown on how he takes care of his Woman, love her, spoil her and make your Woman happy and she will be like a honey that will sweeten your life. Take care of your Woman and she will take care of your life, be the best for her and she will forget the rest for you. Make your Woman cry and you wont get the opposite effect, her tears will block the ears of God when you pray, the last time I made my Apple cry the food she cooked didn’t taste so well. The reason you didn’t get that contract is not because of the demon in the Village but because of the evil and negligence within, let every Man stand in front of the mirror you either see your best friend or your worst enemy (Your self). After reading this post
to your Woman and tell her how much you love her, say it then do it. Work for her and you will see how things will begin to work for you. If you don’t give a Woman love, care and money for hair, she will disappear into thin air with her Good luck. Invariably, if you treat your Eve wrong she will give you the forbidden fruits.
From what I have observed Women tend to go where they are always treated right and special. Tell her verbally how much you love and show it. Lack of proper maintenance on the part of the Manager (the man) is what makes the business cripple, this is why some married Women cheat and girls runs, don’t keep her lonely, Idle and hungry without love or else temptations will begin to creep in.
However, some women can be very stubborn, volatile and prune to greed, cheap that they can be gotten with things, don’t blame them they are humans too, antidote this menace by empowering her to protect herself you cannot be there always you need to equip her Spiritually, Physically and Mentally. She must embrace the doctrines of a Religion, Christianity/Islam, you are the Man teach her all she needs to learn, if she is jobless, no amount of money given to her will be enough, get her engaged with a business or a job/formal education if she has none. Most Men are not smart enough to know this.
You must avoid the pronouns me, myself and I, don’t be selfish, be selfless in all ramifications including on bed. Good sex is a sign board pointing the direction on how to keep a Woman, SEX her well make sure you make her come before you come and go. Lols (am shy,
only for married folks please)
Abilities to Keep a Woman is not based onTribe Race or Religion alone, it works because of the People in the relationship. If relationships work because of Religion I bet all religious groupies would have the best Marriages. Life is not only SPIRITUAL or PHYSICAL it is also MENTAL , it is not enough to be a good Christian or Muslim, a good Christian/Muslim must have the right physical and mental attitude before their relationship can work, These triplets are triple elements that must be embraced before embarking on the journey of relationship. A good Christian and a good Muslim with a good physical qualities and the right mental attitude will have a happier relationship than two good Muslims or Christians without the twin elements of the Physical and Mental. The triplets are indispensable. This is deep, not all folks will understand this to agree.
To me, keeping a Woman is not as difficult as people make it seem, there is no such thing as a Woman with a big problem or small problem, it depends primarily upon the Man-ager of the Woman if he is BIG or SMALL. Follow this rules and she will be better, smarter, loyal, honest, faithful, grateful and she will posses all the keys…Thence no problem will be to big, no challenge will be too small, no hardship will be too hard, even the age difference won’t make a difference.
This is only practicable on one Woman not two.
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