PPP Vice-Chair wants Amidu in Akufo-Addo’s government

President-elect Nana Akufo-Addo has been urged to consider appointing former NDC Vice-Presidential candidate Martin Amidu into his government.

Second Vice-Chair of the Progressive Peoples’ Party Belinda Bulley says Amidu fits perfectly into the position of the Independent Prosecutor, an office the NPP has promised to create ostensibly to fight corruption.

Martin Amidu poularly know as 'Citizen Vigilante' enjoys wide public support for an unrelenting crusade against corruption in the NDC government.

He was former deputy Attorney-General and Justice minister under the Rawlings-led NDC government and later picked as running mate to NDC presidential candidate John Evants Atta Mills in the 2000 general elections.

He was later appointed Attorney-General and Justice minister after Evans Atta Mills won the 2008 general elections. But after falling out with the NDC government over a judgement debt scandal, Martin Amidu has devoted himself to fighting corruption in his party's government.

For more than two years, Martin Amidu pursued an NDC financier Alfred Woyome who was found to have been illegally paid GHC51.2 million as judgment debt.
He has single-handedly won court judgments in cases which the government has refrained from pursing.

Belinda is impressed by what she says is Amidu’s consistency in pursuing what he believes is corruption and collusion among top government officials to loot the public purse.

“I believe that if he is given that position free of interference he will do the job. People fear him” she said on the Super Morning Show Tuesday.
Some sections of the social media public have also called for the appointment of Martim Amidu for the post.

Amidu publicly campaigned against his own party and has also congratulated Akufo-Addo on his stunning victory noting that Ghanaians made a wise choice.

“The track record of President-elect Nana Ado Dankwa Akufo-Addo, and his unassailable commitment to democratic processes since Constitutional governance in Ghana in 1993 gives hope that under his leadership Ghana will once more instill the values of good, and accountable governance", Amidu has said.

The NPP has vowed to de-alienate the Attorney-General’s office from the Ministry of Justice. Nana Akufo-Addo believes the A-G needs to be independence of political interference, the bane of weak-willed attempts at addressing corruption.

The A-G’s office is expected to be re-branded as the office of the special prosecutor to emphasize its independence.
