I'm tired - Minority leader

Minority leader Osei Kyei Mensah Bonsu has hinted of plans to bow out from leadership in the next parliament in January.

Though many believe he remains the NPP's best option for majority leader, the Suame MP believes it is time for him to take a backseat because he is 'really tired'.

Mr Kyei Mensah Bonsu in an interview with GHOne's Felix Akoyam said .'...The majority leader will become the leader of government business so the president may have to have some trust in that person. The presidential candidate will have some say [behind the curtain] on who will become leader but being candid, I'm really tired from being in leadership in the party[and parliament] for 16 years'.

He added that he currently finds himself in a difficult situation because though he wants to take a step back, people continue to plead with him to stay on due to the vacuum his absence from leadership is likely to create.
