Ghana Goes to the polls today

Ghana goes to the polls today to elect its parliamentarians and a president who will lead the county.
The special voting exercise for security agencies, media  and officials of Electoral Commission of Ghana (EC) took place on December 1, and later on December 4 when names of some voters were missing on the register.
There are seven presidential candidates on the ballot paper including the President John Dramani Mahama National Democratic Congress (NDC) candidate, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo of New Patriotic Party (NPP), Ivor Kobina Greenstreet CPP, Nana Konadu Agyeman Rawlings of National Democratic Party (NDP), Osei Jacob independent candidate, Progressive People’s Party’s Dr Papa Kwesi Nduom and Dr Nasigrie Mahama of People’s National Convention (PNC).
Nana Addo who is contesting in the presidential race for the third time has been in a keen campaign with President Mahama who rose to the presidency after the demise of President J.E  A. Mills.
The EC has made lots of changes in the electoral reforms.
Some of the reforms include EC officials wearing gloves before counting of ballot papers, a thumb print App which will give voters real-time results of the elections.
There have been pockets of incidence in some parts of the country largely between supporters of ruling NDC and opposition NPP ahead of the polls.
There have also been series of opinion polls some predicting a win for Nana Addo others for President Mahama.
Voting starts at 7:am and ends 5:pm
