6 Helpful advices Single Christians should know about Dating

A social discovery platform (like Ghana’s Sweeedy.com) is simply a modern instrument God can use to join two single Christians together. It is a modern instrument because during the biblical times such platforms for singles did not exist in the same form as it is presently. A journey through the Holy Bible revealed that families assisted their young men and women to meet and become engaged. Connecting a prospective couple was usually a family affair. In fact, the Holy Bible does not indicate the process Christians should use in searching for potential soul partners, or whichever method Christians should “date” or court”. Therefore, what can be wrong with a sister/brother/friend/neighbour that met his/her spouse online and is enjoying a healthy, happy marriage?
Here are 6 helpful advices single Christians need to undertake when finding partners online, through Sweeedy.com.

The Holy Bible states that Christians should seek God and He will fulfil your desires (Psalm 103:5; Romans 12:2) in His perfect way and His perfect time (Romans 5:6; Romans 8:26-27). Therefore, all single Christians are required to pray that God would connect them to someone of their heart desire. A like-minded God fearing person, who really wants to learn about each other as a person first. The single Christian must always go-slow with building a friendship and be mindful of not allowing their flesh to get ahead of their mind.

  1. Single Christians must spend extra time getting to know each other by talking on the phone, learning about their past, interest, passion and etc. It is simply not OK to find them on social media platforms but go the extra mile to Google the name of the new person and request answers to your all questions about the person. There is a lot of info you can find out about someone simply by spending the extra time to learn before taking the next step.
  2. When finding a partner online via Ghana’s sweeedy.com app, ask about their church/ministry, how they serve, who their pastor is, location and size, etc. This activity helps you to physically verify who they are in the Lord. If they are mature Christians, they are going to be involved in their church and they may be photo evidence on their social media page (Facebook, instagram, twitter etc) showing them serving. A single Christian can take it a step further by privately finding or asking for church leaders/pastors contact information to discover more about the online person.
  3. God fearing Christians must to be honest. If you are a single lady, you are required to be honest with any man you are talking too by letting him know you are also talking to several other men online and that you are not dating anyone yet. Being honest requires a single Christian lady to communicate in a clear and simple language letting him know that when you do take a decision to date someone else, you will prompt him.
Online dating requires lot of wisdom. Single Christians must always ask for Gods wisdom whenever communicating with anyone online. This special activity helps God fearing singles determine whether the person they are communicating with is right or wrong for long-term relationships. Therefore, whenever a lady encounter any man online who does not want to take the time to get to know each other in the Lord, then he is not the right one. Always ask the person you meet online to be praying about the friendship as well. 
  1. Singles should as soon as possible meet in-person at a public area and inform friends/family about the meeting. God fearing singles should always view online dating platform like Sweeedy.com as an instrument God can use to connect two singles together. If one was to search the Internet for success stories, one would find hundreds of thousands of them. Common to all the success stories is transitioning from the online world to the "real world" as soon as they could. For this reason, it is wise for God fearing singles to arrange to meet in person sooner rather than later. This gives each other an opportunity to examine each other in the “real world”. It is very vital for singles to examine how the other partner treats others, handles everyday frustrations and etc. This series of in-person meetings helps singles make wise decisions on whether to continue exploring or not.

By Felix Asmah
