Hawker runs 'campaign commentary’ for Akufo-Addo

Campaign adverts and endorsements have taken on a different dimension as the December polls fast approach. 

Various techniques are being deployed by political parties and their sympathisers to garner as many votes as possible via several platforms.

For one party sympathiser though, the 'commentary' option remains a sure way of getting Ghanaians to know the real situation the country finds itself in and why her preferred candidate, the New Patriotic Party's Nana Akufo-Addo, remains the best option for the country with barely a week to the polls.

In a trending video on Facebook, a hawker is seen running a 'campaign commentary' for the New Patriotic Party presidential candidate, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo citing the many ills in society that require the kind of leadership the opposition NPP is offering Ghanaians.
