Gov’t begins paying trainee nurses abated allowance

Government has begun payment of an abated Nurses Trainee Allowance as a stopgap measure to mitigate the cry of nurses in the scrapping of allowances by government.
The allowances come with barely three weeks to the December 7 elections.
A statement from the Ministry of Health and signed by the Head of Public Relations, Tony Goodman said: “the untaxed amount is One Hundred and Fifty Ghana Cedis (GHC150.00) per student for three months making a total amount of Four Hundred and Fifty Ghana Cedis (GHC450.00) per student.”
The payment, part of recommendations by a Technical Committee set up to review the Nursing Training Allowance Policy is to serve as a bridging mechanism pending the amendment of the Students Loan Trust Act, to enable Students in Non tertiary Health Training Institutions access Loans.
The Ministry of Health in July 2016, announced it was going to pay trainees nurses a decreased allowance as a stopgap measure, preceding the introduction of the Students Loan Scheme in the various Nursing Training Colleges.
There was hue and cry from the nurses after government announced scrapping of the allowance despite its explanation that the decision was a good one.

Below is the full statement
The Ministry of Health on July 21, 2016 announced government’s decision to pay an abated Nurses Trainee Allowance as a stopgap measure to the introduction of Students Loan Scheme in the various Nursing Training Colleges.
The Nursing Colleges have begun payment of these allowances through the School’s Finance Offices due to the locations of the schools and the amount involved.
The untaxed amount is One Hundred and Fifty Ghana Cedis (GHC150.00) per student for three months making a total amount of Four Hundred and Fifty Ghana Cedis (GHC450.00) per student.
This was a recommendation by the Technical Committee set up by the HE President to review the Nursing Trainee Allowance Policy. The payment as mentioned earlier is to serve as a bridging mechanism pending the amendment of the Students Loan Trust Act, to enable Students in Non tertiary Health Training Institutions access Loans.
All accountants are advised to pay the amount in full without any deductions. Any person found doing otherwise will be dealt with.
The Ministry of Health will continue to seek the outmost interest of our trainee nurses.
