Black Maidens ‘Forced’ to leave M Plaza hotel with $1,000 each

Maidens have been forced out of the Maresat Plaza Hotel with part payment of the amount owed them.
Each Player according to checks by Ultimate Sports, received  $1000 out of the $2,000 that was supposed to be paid for which reason they insisted on staying until all their entitlements are given.
Players and technical team since their return from Jordan last Saturday morning after being knocked out of the FIFA Women’s U17 championship disclosed that their per diems and other accrued bonuses due them were not paid for which reason they continued living in the hotel.
This resulted in a standoff between the technical team,  management and  the Ministry of Youth and Sports until a decision was arrived to send the entire team home from the hotel with part payment.
Management committee chairman of the Black Maidens team Augustine Arhinful who confirmed the part payment said, “Each player has been paid $1000 by the ministry to ensure they leave the Hotel to their various homes’’.
Further checks established that players who received their share have since vacated the hotel with the rest as at press time yet to leave.

By: Ghana/
