Video: Assemblyman, NDC serial caller trade blows at KMA

An Assembly member of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA), Abdullah Muaza, traded blows with a National Democratic Congress (NDC) serial caller on Tuesday, during proceedings to elect a Presiding Member for the assembly.

The Assembly members had on several occasions failed to elect a Presiding member to chair meetings of the assembly which is affecting development in the metropolis. At the KMA’s fifth sitting, and eighth voting session at the assembly today, Muaza, Assembly man for the Ayigya electoral area, landed a blow on the face of Yakubu Tony Aidoo, a known NDC serial caller after the former accused the assembly members of being “corrupt.” Tony Aidoo complained that the Kumasi Metropolis would not be engulfed in so much filth if they had successfully elected a presiding member to oversee the affairs of the assembly. 

Meanwhile, voting is yet to commence though it was scheduled for 9:00am today, Tuesday. The Ashanti Regional Minister, acting as the Mayor of the Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly, said members of the public will not be allowed inside the voting hall. It is believed that the two candidates who have over time failed to secure two-thirds of votes from the assembly to chair the affairs of the assembly, will step down for other candidates to contest. 

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