Chief vows to force UCC students to marry girls they impregnate

The Chief of Amamoma in the Central Region, Nana Yartel III, says any student of the University of Cape Coast who impregnates young ladies in the town will be forced to marry them. 

According to him, some of the students who live in their community have resorted to impregnating young women in the town and abandoning them. 

As if that is not enough, Nana Yartel III said these students escape from the town after the acts, a situation he describes as very worrying.
Nana Yartel III, made this known during his 20th anniversary fund-raising to construct skill training center for the people. 

Nana Yartel III appealed to the youth not to indulge in immoral acts. 

He also called on young women who have dropped-out from school and want to learn a trade but have no financial support to submit their names for support.
