REVEALED: Two suspected police armed robbers in GCB bullion van attack were aided to escape

Two Police officers who were arrested in connection with an attempted robbery attack on GCB bullion in which the driver was killed escaped from Police custody while they were being sent to the Eastern Regional Police Command in Kororidua for questioning.
The duo upon reaching Nkawkaw reportedly asked the driver to stop and allow them to urinate and in the process absconded. News of their escape angered residents of Donkorkrom who took the law into their own hands and took to the streets vandalized property including burning down the police station.
The police mounted a manhunt for the escapees and subsequently arrested them.
Appearing before the Mpraeso Circuit Court in the Eastern Region on Monday, the two ‘criminal’ police officers told the Presiding Judge Miriam Solace Sinare that Corporal  Christopher Babudu, used a key to open the handcuffs for them hence they are not guilty of the escaping from lawful custody charge.
Agoo FM’s Abena Pokua reported that  Corporal  Christopher Babudu explained he was unable to shoot the suspects while they were escaping because he didn’t want to shoot an innocent percent in the process as there were lots of people around the scene.
The Armed robbers a fortnight ago attacked a GCB Bank bullion van at Maame Krobo killing the driver instantly with a police officer who was escorting the van sustaining gunshot wounds. They however failed to flee with their booty.
The case has been adjourned to September 8.
