Our voter ID cards have been taken from us - Inmates cry

Inmates at the Nsawam Medium Prisons are complaining that their Voters ID Cards have been taken away from them by authorities of the prison yard.

They do not understand why the ID Cards which were issued to them by the Electoral Commission of Ghana in the two-day limited Voters Registration exercise for prisoners across the country should be taken from them.

They told Kasapafmonline.com that no reason was assigned to the collection of their voters ID Cards by the prison authorities.

“My brother, they have taken away our Voters ID Cards that were issued to us by the Electoral Commission on Monday and Tuesday when they came here. We don’t know what they are going to do with them. But is it lawful for them to take it away from us? The cards belong to us and we want them back”, an inmate who is very furious over the matter told Kasapafmonline.com

Asked whether they’ve reported the matter to the higher authorities of the Prisons Service, they answered in the negative, noting that they have no means to do so.

Under the electoral laws of the land, it is an unlawful to keep someone’s voter ID card without the knowledge and consent of the person in question.

No party or organization also has the right to possess the voter ID card of its members without the consent of the people in question.
