Britain has voted to leave the European Union – and the historic Brexit vote has sent shock waves around the world.
In the wake of the vote, the British pound dropped in value, stars have spoken out about the vote and British Prime Minister David Cameron gave an emotional speech as politicians scramble to determine the next steps.

The exit – or Brexit – process could take a minimum of two years, BBC News reports.
But an emotional Prime Minister and a pound plunge aren't the only results of the Brexit. Here are five things that have happened in the wake of the historic vote.

1. David Cameron Announced His Resignation
The Brexit vote came much to the dismay of British Prime Minister David Cameron. Cameron, who led the campaign for Britain to remain in the EU, looked solemn on Friday as he announced his resignation from the position he's held for the last six years.

"I fought this campaign in the only way I know how, which is to say directly and passionately what I think and feel – head, heart and soul. I held nothing back," he said. 
 "I will do everything I can as Prime Minister to steady the ship over the coming weeks and months. But I do not think it would be right for me to try to be the captain that steers our country to its next destination."

Cameron appeared emotional as he spoke to reporters in front of his official residence, 10 Downing street in central London as his wife, Samantha, stood solemnly just feet away.

2. A Record Number of Voters Cast Their Ballots Over the Brexit
A record-setting 46.5 million people in the U.K. registered to vote over the Brexit and 71 percent headed out to the polls, NBC News reports.

Multiple U.K. media outlets reported a 52 to 48 percent decision in favor of the exit
3.Global Stock Markets Are Plunging
The historic vote to Brexit shocked investors and stock markets plummeted worldwide with key market indexes dropping between 7 and 12 percent across Europe. In Britain, the FTSE 100 shed $1U.S. stock markets took a hit Friday morning. Dow Jones Industrial Average opened Friday with a 3 percent decline – and down more than 500 points – and Nasdaq opened down nearly 3.5 percent.

But experts expected as much.

"It's going to be ugly in the morning," Mike Ellinges, a trader at an investment firm in Texas, told Reuters.

The value of both the Euro and the British pound also plunged. The pound dropped to its lowest value in 31 years; $1.36 will now buy a pound. The euro dropped, too – down to $1.10.

4. J.K. Rowling and Other British Stars are Not Happy About the Brexit
The Harry Potter author posted a simple message to Twitter after the decision, writing, "Goodbye, UK." In a follow-up post, Rowling tweeted, "I don't think I've ever wanted magic more." 37 million in vShe then retweeted and posted a string of tweets criticizing the decision – and those she called "Brexiteers".

In a now-deleted tweet, Lindsay Lohan, a London resident, wrote, "Good luck with the pound.. will take you about 15 years to get it back up #REMAIN instead."

5. But Donald Trump and Sarah Palin Are Ecstatic

Trump weighed in on the Brexit on Friday during a business trip to Scotland, calling the vote to leave "a great thing."
alue as it plunged nearly 4 percent. The Nikkei in Japan is down nearly 8 percent.
