Community nurses call off strike

Community Health Nurses in the country have called off their strike action.

President of the Community Health Nurses Association of Ghana, Esther Banfo said on Adom FM’s Morning Show, ‘Dwaso Nsem’ Tuesday that the group called off their over two weeks old strike action after an agreement with the Ghana Health Service (GHS).

“We reached and signed an agreement with the Ghana Health Service to have improved conditions of service which was one of our main grievances and hence we call on all of members to return to work today…,” she said.

About thirteen thousand community health nurses laid down their tools over how their certificates had been labelled and a lack of improved conditions of service.

This led them to boycott their post in the various CHPS compounds.

Esther Banfo explained that the nurses’ grievance were in two fold – one with the employer and another with the regulators of their schooling.

“Our issues were two - one with our employer and the other one with MMC but for now we are done with that of our employer that is why we are calling off the strike. Our employers say for them, they will maintain our name Community Health Nurse and they will also support any drive aimed at amending the MMC laws to recognize community health nurses and then also give us a community health certificate,” she explained.

According to her, the agreement reached with the GHS, she said includes the reduction in the number of years a community health nurse will have to work before being promoted or getting the opportunity to go on leave.

“Now, the number of years that we have to work to gain promotion or get the chance to go back to school has been reduced from five years to three years, in the case of our colleagues who work in the remotest part would have to work for 2 years…,” she added.

The GHS, Esther Banfo said have also agreed to give community health nurses licensed motorbikes to work and provide them with insurance as well as workman compensation.

Community Health Nurses who cross river bodies to work will also be provided with life jackets and also though to swim.

The signed agreement with the GHS, the President of Community Health Nurses added also includes promotion on year group basis.

The calling off of the strike however does not mean that the Community Health Nurses are not fight that their names be maintained as such and not nursing assistants.
